Entries by Bart Taylor

CompanyWeek at five years: one takeaway above all others

CompanyWeek turns five this week. The question on my mind after five years and 1,014 company stories: What’s the one takeaway above all others? What have we learned? In the context of challenges, we’ve learned that workforce is the defining issue in manufacturing today. Convene manufacturers from across different industries, as we do often, and […]

Tariffs spur short-term export boom—cause for celebration or concern?

Under normal circumstances, an 11 percent year-to-year increase in Colorado’s exports would be cause for great celebration. However, these are not normal circumstances. The Trump administration’s tough stance on trade policy has incentivized manufacturers to stockpile import inputs and expedite export sales to beat the tariffs now imposed by the U.S. and reciprocated by our […]

Taxing imports is a stopgap. Where’s the plan?

On one hand, it seems reasonable for President Trump to use America’s vast consumer and commercial markets as leverage in trade negotiations. China, especially, has used open and relatively unfettered access to American consumers and intellectual property to great effect, even as it protects its own. Access to American markets should come with a price. […]

Why we’ve developed a CompanyWeek paywall, part II

Last week in introducing CompanyWeek‘s paywall (see below), I mentioned a new data service, a value-add to content access for subscribers. It’s important to note what the data set is, and isn’t. We think the value of the company profiles is the story executives tell of challenges, needs, and opportunities, based on their industry and […]

3 companies, 3 trends: This week’s mix of profiles tells a larger story of trends shaping California manufacturing

Last week I was fortunate to attend the California Network of Manufacturing Innovation’s conference, “Automation: The Next Generation of Lean,” at The University of California, Irvine. Among the messages from industry professionals speaking at the event: Automation is coming, get ready or get left behind; the implementation “gap” between large and small-to-midsize companies is Grand […]

California gets a C in Conexus’ annual manufacturing scorecard. Here’s a better measuring stick.

For the 10th consecutive year the Conexus Indiana 2018 Manufacturing and Logistics National Report graded California’s manufacturing economy a C. It’s cause for less concern than states like Colorado, where a 10th straight D leaves that state closer to Conexus flunkies in New Mexico and Alaska. At the same time, it leaves America’s largest manufacturing […]

Two ways robotics and automation are transforming manufacturing in our backyard

Manufacturing automation is in the news and in our profiles. Here are two or three takeaways. Two weeks ago, I attended the California Network of Manufacturing Innovation’s excellent conference, “Automation: The Next Generation of Lean,” at UC Irvine. Among the messages from industry professionals speaking at the event: Automation is coming, get ready or get […]

Takeaways from a year of publishing in California

June marks the one-year anniversary for CompanyWeek in California. It’s been a year of exploration, of growth, of learning and listening, and, more than anything, of coming to grips with America’s largest and most diverse statewide manufacturing economy. Here’s a short list of takeaways after year one: I lost track of the number of conversations […]