As Colorado manufacturing employment surges, so should expectations

CompanyWeek is pushing across the West at a time regional manufacturing is on the ascent. In Colorado manufacturing employment is up 2.7% through September this year, and the past four months has outpaced overall employment growth in the state.

How significant are the numbers?

Better than to be caught in the vortex of duplicate tough news Manufacturers’ News, Inc. (MNI) is offering up elsewhere the past week.

“High business costs and global competition have made it difficult for Pennsylvania manufacturers to climb back from the recession,” said Tom Dubin, president of Manufacturers’ News. “However, its educated workforce and investment in worker-training programs continue to be a draw for new businesses, particularly those focused on technology and innovation.”

“High business costs and global competition have made it difficult for New York manufacturers to climb back from the recession,” says Tom Dubin, President of the Evanston, Il-based publishing company, which has been surveying industry since 1912. “However the state remains a major manufacturing hub, boasting an educated workforce, diverse economy and access to capital.”

“High business costs and global competition have made it difficult for Pennsylvania manufacturers to climb back from the recession,” said Tom Dubin, president of Manufacturers’ News. “However, its educated workforce and investment in worker-training programs continue to be a draw for new businesses, particularly those focused on technology and innovation.”

“High business costs and the decline of the coal industry have affected West Virginia industrial employment,” Dubin said in a statement. “However, its growing oil and gas sector and investment in worker training programs continue to be a draw for new businesses.”

To be fair, the declines were small. Dubin’s ‘statements’ are a template-response to any decline. And, not all’s rosy in Colorado’s broad-based sector. As Brian Lewandowski from CU’s Leeds School of Business notes in his column last week:

  • Manufacturing is still not all the way back, and “continues to operate under peak levels: from 2000 to 2013, GDP increased 51%, whereas employment decreased 29%.”
  • And through 2013, manufacturing employment underperformed compared to overall employment growth, increasing 1.6% in 2011, 2.4% in 2012, and 2.9% in 2013; and employment growth has averaged 2.7% in 2014.

But clearly, the market we’ve been reporting on the past year is a bright spot. Moreover, the increasingly diverse industry make-up of Colorado’s sector is providing lift. Colorado’s bright food and beverage prospects, growing aerospace and aviation segment and generally diversified industrial base seem well-positioned to build on success in recent years, post-Recession.

According to Lewandowski, this past September manufacturing employment growth was 4.5% higher year-over-year, ranking the state 4th for the pace of manufacturing employment growth in the month of September year-over-year.

Where do we go from here? It’s the $64,000 question. As U.S. investment in manufacturing becomes fashionable again, expectations should also grow. Reaching pre-Recession jobs and GDP levels shouldn’t be good enough. Ensuring the manufacturing surge continues should be a national – and regional – priority.

Colorado’s deepening regional divide may change elections permanently

Regardless the outcome of next week’s individual statewide races, a more enduring electoral shift is underway. Colorado’s regional divide is widening, reflecting new alliances, interests, and economic realities.

In recent years, candidates running for statewide office have managed Colorado’s split electoral personality in a fairly straightforward way: Denver/Boulder and the liberal mountain redoubts were predictably Democratic; Colorado Springs, Grand Junction, Douglas County, and the conservative suburban bastions, Republican, and cities like Ft. Collins and the rest of the state fair game. Elections often hinged on turnout. Incumbency mattered.

As has the economy, always. In Colorado, as elsewhere, jobs and economic growth mattered most.

But something happened on the way to this year’s election. Governor John Hickenlooper has presided over a broad-sector economic recovery, and while Senator Mark Udall seems challenged to step out of an incumbent President’s shadow, the economy’s coattails appeared especially long this year. Yet both incumbents are vulnerable next Tuesday.

What gives?

Every election is unique and this cycle has featured its share of candidate missteps. On balance, GOP signature candidates have avoided pratfalls and the Dems haven’t. Presidential lift this election has disappeared. 2014 may be tough for incumbent Democrats all around.

Colorado’s regional divisions are becoming a factor. An urban/rural divide and simmering Front Range/Western Slope competition undoubtedly impact state elections today. Issues like water and the uncertain future of agriculture, gun control, and the management of public lands increasingly swing voters west of the divide and east of Denver away from their more urban counterparts.

At the same time local economies are recovering unevenly, highlighting contrasts in opportunity that vex industry and developers. Denver-metro’s recovery hasn’t benefitted voters in other parts of the state. Oil and gas, natural foods, spending on healthcare, and the metro area’s real estate boom are driving growth, but not everywhere. It’s inspiring residents to question past affiliations and look for new leadership.

Business is certainly rethinking alliances and economic partnerships. A new industry axis may be forming on the Western Slope around lifestyle, in Steamboat and Grand Junction, Telluride and Durango. It’s driven by economic self-interest and opportunity, like-minded economic development strategies and improved access to things transportation infrastructure and tourists. Some of Colorado’s Western Slope businesses feel a pull to Salt Lake City today as much as Denver.

A shift is also underway along Colorado’s Front Range. Ft. Collins and Northern Colorado are quietly building a compelling economic and political identify separate from Denver/Boulder. To the south, in conservative Colorado Springs, most everything is changing. Civic and business leaders are taking the city back from a dysfunctional city government, evaluating anew the alliances and partnerships that will define the community in the near future. One thing seems certain: the divide with Denver-metro has grown. Colorado Springs’ new leaders want a fresh, independent, unencumbered identity.

Who does this changing economic and political landscape favor? It’s worked to obviate the benefits of incumbency in 2014. The issues at the forefront of this election for Colorado’s statewide offices – indecision or ad hoc policy making around economic and social issues, Obamacare and energy regulation – now appear to be widening the divide that increasingly separates Colorado voters. They deepen cracks in old foundations.

Mastering the dynamics of a new regionalism to unify a divided state is the way forward – the winning way.

Anatomy of a move: Mercury Wheels relocates to Utah, and the region wins

Chris Mogridge could tell his family’s Oxford, Mississippi real estate development business was in for tougher times as the financial crises of the late 2000’s deepened.

“I was on the financing side of the business and could tell things were getting harder. No matter how much advertising I would do, sales were starting to slip. And the bank was getting funny with us borrowing money.”

On a Friday afternoon in ‘08, with a backlog of offers awaiting financing, Mogridge’s bank was taken over by the FDIC. On Saturday, a bank in South Carolina bought the assets, but subsequently wouldn’t return a phone call or email.

The writing was on the wall. “I needed to figure out something else if I wanted to stay here and avoid the prospect of getting on a plane for a job Sunday nights and getting home Thursday nights,” he says. “Don’t get me wrong, I would have done that, but that wasn’t my preference at the time.”

His preference was launching a business, and this past summer Mogridge and wife Karen moved Mercury Wheels, his post-real estate endeavor, from Oxford to the cycling-industry hotbed developing in Ogden. Today Mercury Wheels has 15 U.S. employees and makes a wide range of road and mountain bike wheels.

A connection to cycling provided a quick transition as the real estate market imploded. “That summer I’d had some success racing,” he explained. “I wanted to buy a time-trial frame, and carbon was just getting popular. But the ones I wanted were about $5,000 for a frame-set. I thought to myself, ‘Someone’s making some money here.’ And the light went on.”

Mogridge has since hustled his way to a growing carbon wheel business, not frames, sourcing components like rims, hubs, cassettes, and skewers from Taiwan but assembling here to provide his racing clientele and dealer network highly customized, performance wheel sets. “At first we were just selecting parts from catalogs or wherever, but today we’re working with factories on the design phase; for example we’re working now on a new road disc. We’re designing wheels for specific applications.”

But as growth beckons, so does the need for a qualified workforce. For Mogridge and Mercury, that meant leaving Mississippi.

“There are a couple different reasons we made the move. The first one is networking. There’s a better pool of people to hire in Utah. It was harder for me to get someone to come down to Oxford,” he says.

“In my mind there were really three cycling hubs, or clusters, to consider,” he says. “There’s southern California, Boulder, and Utah. There are too many people in California; I wouldn’t say I’m a small town boy, necessarily, but it’s still too crowded.

“Boulder’s more my style but for us we viewed it as too expensive. We weren’t going to be able to own our own commercial space, which we eventually want. So I’d heard about Ogden and what was going on there but had never been. We’d taken ski vacations in Utah – there are five or six world-class resorts accessible from Salt Lake City. It’s a clean city, and there’s no crime. Plus we’d been to DealerCamp in Deer Valley.”

2013 DealerCamp, Deer Valley, Utah

“Utah was very interested in our business. Ogden, in particular. I think they understand that it takes businesses of all sizes to build a growing industry cluster.”

If there was a close second, it was Boulder. But just as Colorado’s cycling epicenter has been the choice of others, Utah seemed the inevitable destination for Mercury. “Mayor Caldwell and Steve Fishburn of Ogden rolled out the red carpet for us on our two visits. They showed us the town, introduced us to other bike companies who made the move and really made us feel like Ogden was home.”

I asked him if he’d gotten to the point of comparing incentive packages? “No, we’re really too small. But I looked at them compared to what’s available in Mississippi. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good state to run a business – overhead is low – but Ogden’s so competitive. They sat down and said, ‘what do we need to do to get businesses interested in Ogden?’”

All in all it bodes well for region’s lifestyle manufacturing prospects. The mountain West is an emerging lifestyle superpower. Ogden’s growing cycling industry, anchored by ENVE, a carbon composite powerhouse OEM, seems a healthy rival to its more established sibling east of the divide. But as Mogridge noted, the region’s national reputation as a destination for recreation-related light industry is growing. Including more manufacturing.

Reshoring the development and manufacture of new products is on Mogridge’s radar. “We’re working on a project here that would bring more manufacturing to the U.S. The irony is that Asians love American products – they’ll pay a premium for U.S.-made.”

In Utah, or Colorado. In the West.

About CompanyWeek/Utah – and why a media voice for manufacturing is critical

A year ago, we launched CompanyWeek to begin providing sustained media coverage of Colorado manufacturers. This week we reach an important milestone – regional expansion to become a media voice for the dynamic and growing Utah manufacturing economy with CompanyWeek/Utah.

Utah’s always been in the plans. We set out in September 2013 to begin a regional dialogue, for good reason. American manufacturing has momentum, and in the West, in Colorado and Utah, a widespread manufacturing resurgence is under way.

It’s not your grandfather’s sector: technology is transforming manufacturing – though innovation has always been a critical byproduct of U.S. manufacturing. Remade Industries like food and beverage are catalysts, and compliment growth in aviation, aerospace, and medical device manufacturing – what Colorado calls ‘advanced manufacturing.’ And of course energy is a critical manufacturing play across the Rocky Mountain West.

A tie that also binds is a lifestyle opportunity that will bring millions of new residents West in the coming years. In Utah and Colorado and across the region, entrepreneurs will join those already blazing a trail to launch lifestyle businesses and light industry in cycling and skiing, apparel and consumer products. (CompanyWeek will host the first Colorado Apparel Manufacturing Summit this week.)

Ogden’s cycling epicenter is an example. It’s farsighted Mayor, Mike Caldwell, is building a regional reputation. His town is becoming a magnet for light industry. One of its terrific lifestyle manufacturers, ENVE, is profiled in the inaugural Utah issue.

By covering both states, we also begin a regional conversation. A bigger conversation is indeed our opportunity.

To many companies, state doesn’t matter. The region does. Mercury Wheels picked Ogden to relocate from Oxford, Mississippi but Boulder was a close second. Osprey Packs, an outdoor industry leader and innovator based in Cortez, Colorado, is moving distribution operations to Odgen, tapping the Wasatch Front’s more connected and capable transportation infrastructure, but keeping other key functions in Colorado. Hercules Industries, a regional powerhouse in HVAC manufacturing based in Denver sources materials from the west for its Utah operations to avoid traversing the Divide. Region matters.

But our core mission is to first raise the profile of manufacturing businesses within the local markets they operate. Why? Manufacturing has never been more strategic to the U.S. economy.

We we know what was lost when we offshored: wages are stuck, quality suffers, IP is often compromised; and travel budgets are maxed out. Supply chains are long. At the same time, the perception of a manufacturing career has suffered. The sector’s still seen as dirty and dumb. There’s a skills gap, a labor challenge, across manufacturing.

But as we’ve found in reporting on over 150 Colorado manufacturers the past year, things have changed. Manufacturing today is modern story of increasingly high-tech, savvy fabricators, makers and designers. It’s ambitious young professionals launching lifestyle companies.

It’s also in need of being more connected. To reshore, to find suppliers and business partners, the sector must reconnect with each other. Media, at its best, connects people – and builds community.

Storytelling is the missing link until now.

Each week we’ll publish a newsletter for the Utah market, as we do with Colorado, with links to profiles of growing Utah manufacturers. We’ll keep Colorado companies in the mix to keep readers up to date and connected to its neighbor– as we’ve done with Utah companies for Colorado readers.

CompanyWeek/Utah is possible because of the support of the Utah Manufacturers Association and its President, Todd Bingham (read his column). We’re equally motivated to advance manufacturing by telling its story. And in doing so overcome challenges like workforce and a dated perception of the manufacturing brand.

And at any point, contact me with comments.

Bart Taylor is founder and publisher of CompanyWeek. Reach him at, or 303-888-2832.

Debut of the Rocky Mountain Manufacturing Index and why measuring success is important

As a modern manufacturing economy takes shape, a rush is on to identify who’s part of the community and how growth and progress should be measured.

Our lens, our perspective, is the regional, multi-industry manufacturing economy we report on every week. Today we’re providing one tool to track it’s progress. With the help of Deloitte we’re compiling an index that will track the collective stock performance of 28 regional manufacturing companies. It’s a localized if unique version of a what others are doing nationally, like IndustryWeek.

The Rocky Mountain Manufacturing Index views manufacturing through the particular lens we prefer – broad-based and big-shouldered – with 10 or so industry categories included. Manufacturing here isn’t a single-industry sector.

The Index is one part of our sustained effort over the next several months to build tools to follow the development of the new manufacturing economy.

Here’s this week’s Index.

The effort to catalogue the companies and people of manufacturing is ongoing and industry-wide, and for good reason. Today’s manufacturing economy is different than the past, comprised of new sectors, companies and people. Despite efforts to ‘map’ the sector the past several years, efforts are just now gaining traction.

The reality is that building a useful and easy-to-use directory is hard. Not everyone agrees who should be included, and manufacturers must participate to make it more than just a phone book of name and addresses. (That’s hard, too.) To build a truly interactive resource, companies must give up data and use it to actively seek connections. Proving the value of that is difficult, so participation tends to lag.

Several are trying. Manufacturer’s Edge, Colorado’s state affiliate of the national Manufacturing Extension Partnership, is leading a statewide effort to define and connect the market, with an initial focus on southern Colorado.

Another high-profile effort is set to launch as a result of Colorado’s $6.6 million SMART award. SMART is short for Strengthening Manufacturing by Accelerating Research and Technology. We’re told funds have been earmarked for the development of a “project map,” a directory of companies involved in advanced manufacturing who might benefit from participation in the infrastructure and programs contemplated by SMART. CAMA, the Colorado Advanced Manufacturing Alliance and the facilitator of SMART, will lead the effort.

Connecting industry players for mutual benefit is an essential step in advancing the entire manufacturing sector. As connections drive the market forward, we’ll use the Rocky Mountain manufacturing index and other tools to track it.

Expand ‘Advanced Industries’ to apparel and other sectors that need a technology lift

Can two unrelated, contrasting events portend opportunity for Colorado manufacturing?

Last Wednesday Ken Lund, Colorado’s chief economic development official, rolled out details of a $6.6 million Department of Defense award, what the state calls SMART, to a group of high-tech manufacturers, educators, trade and service. SMART is short for Strengthening Manufacturing by Accelerating Research and Technology. The money will be used to build technology centers to support the development of “early-stage and proof-of-concept businesses” in seven “advanced industries” including aviation, bioscience, aerospace and electronics.

The award is a boon for a sector that’s become a major driver of economic growth in Colorado. According to Lund, ‘advanced industries’ now account for 30 percent of the state’s wage earnings; 30 percent of total sales revenues across all industries in the state; 35 percent of total exports, and more than 500,000 jobs. It’s a sector that’s creating its own news, its own stream of public-sector financial support.

A different sector can only hope for similar developments, where innovative public-private partnerships spark opportunity and optimism. This much was made clear at the inaugural Colorado Apparel Manufacturing Summit held last week in Denver.

As I’ve written, the apparel sector here is at a crossroads. The lifestyle manufacturing opportunity is huge. But Colorado’s apparel sector is struggling with the effects of offshoring the past several decades. Labor and innovation are in short supply.

That’s not stopped a vanguard of ambitious apparel and sewn product companies from thriving. Entrepreneurs find a way. But finding a cut-and-sew operation that fits is hard. The production network is tight-lipped and protective of customers and capacity. Apparel firms that have it don’t want to give it up and small sew shops are slammed. There’s little incentive for them to expand.

Apparel firms with volume or intricate, technical cuts are especially challenged. And an aggressive, ambitious U.S. garment manufacturing market is competing for business. Colorado’s a tough market.

The challenge is inspiring apparel leaders here to contemplate new ways of competing, and in today’s global marketplace the conversation increasingly involves technology. It’s a sector starving for innovation. At the Summit, Dan English, CEO of Voormi, and CJ Riggins, vice president at KidRobot, had fun debating the last major industry innovation. English cited Gore-Tex. Riggins went back to the early 20th century — and the zipper.

English is banking on a high-tech approach to the way the company manufacturers — both in making fabric and the way it assembles garments. So are others. Tom Barney, CEO of Cortez-based Osprey Packs envisions future lines being made in the U.S. Today Osprey manufacturers in Vietnam, with operation centers in southwest Colorado and Ogden, Utah.

Barney would like to see technology-driven innovation as the state tackles its sewing labor challenge. “There are whole areas of manufacturing with fabric we can’t touch here, that would require some level of scientific and technological advances,” he says. “You’d be wearing more “welded” clothing. We’re reliant on fabric and tape companies where we’d instead like to be pioneering those areas.”

Osprey plans to sew more packs here even though Barney reiterated Osprey’s position that “domestic production must be independent of location.” But the appeal of manufacturing closer to where a brand is inspired is powerful. What if innovation and technical advances occurred very close to home, in Colorado’s world-class R&D ecosystem? “We would need assistance from the state,” Barney says, “and would love to see the university system help advance the cause.”

Sounds very much like the kind of public-private collaboration that’s catapulted Colorado’s “advanced industries” to growth.

Can apparel be an “advanced industry”? Barney alludes to the possibility without framing it that way. So do apparel executives like English, who envisions a reconstituted U.S. manufacturing far different from previous generations. “It’s up to us as business leaders to find ways to drive manufacturing back here.” When it comes back, he added, “It’s not going to look the same.”

As gratifying the $6.6 million DOD grant should be for Lund and this administration, expanding “advanced industries” to included sectors that would benefit from a technology lift would be a worthy legacy.

What’s your Colorado manufacturing IQ? Take this quiz and find out.

Last week, with a push from the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry, Governor John Hickenlooper proclaimed this workweek ‘Manufacturing Week’ in Colorado, adding a regional flavor to Friday’s national Manufacturing Day.

It’s music to our ears, so we thought we’d join the festivities with a pop quiz celebrating Colorado’s broad, dynamic manufacturing community. Go ahead and test your Colorado manufacturing IQ.

1. Denver’s Ocean Journey uses this global-leading acrylic designer and aquarium builder for its watery enclosures. Name the firm.

2. Air Force pilots and musical stars like Def Leppard beat a path to this Colorado Springs manufacturer of custom audio apparatus.

3. This growing Denver-based apparel company was launched by an entrepreneur who guessed Tiger Woods would lead a new generation of kids into golf – and into a new golf apparel category.

4. Colorado’s the national epicenter of the natural and organic food business, but also fertile ground for the launch of ‘fast and fresh’ restaurant start-ups. Name two not named Chipotle.

5. Colorado food manufacturers – co-packers – changed the face of the natural food industry. Name two of Colorado’s current crop of food innovators.

6. Founded before Columbus discovered America (can you believe it?), this European company opened its first-ever U.S. manufacturing facility in Pueblo last May, impressed by a deep regional connection to steel. (Also a gimme – from this weeks issue.)

7. Manufacturing accounts for 91% of all Colorado exports and over 130,000 jobs. What’s the annual average compensation for manufacturing employees?

a. $33,000

b. $53,000

c. $73,000

d. $93,000

8. This Colorado firm is emulating the texture from what animal to inhibit bacterial growth on surfaces of all kinds?

9. Kids frolic on the oversized, colorful commercial playgrounds in the Cherry Creek Shopping Center and in dozens of locations nationwide, designed and manufactured by this Denver company.

10. This Colorado lifestyle brand builds titanium cycles, one at a time, at its very cool manufacturing facility in Steamboat Springs.

11. More products are manufactured from the following product categories in Colorado than any others. Rank them in order, by dollar volume.

a. Food and beverage and tobacco product manufacturing

b. Computer and electronic product manufacturing

c. Chemical manufacturing

12. This Durango brewery and first-mover extended its brand and launched a new company that manufacturers automated canning equipment for the beverage industry.

13. This Colorado apparel firm sources high-altitude wool in the Rocky Mountains then ‘supercharges’ its natural attributes with tiny increments of synthetic fiber. Name this performance-apparel brand.

14. A Boulder company has has revolutionized bike-fitting with a proprietary system manufactured here in part and used throughout the cycling world. Who’s this progressive maker?

Of course most of these great companies were featured in CompanyWeek the past twelve months. Read more and raise you Colorado manufacturing IQ.

And celebrate American manufacturing this week: patronize a Colorado maker or manufacturer.

Answers: 1. Reynolds Polymer; 2. Westone Laboratories; 3. Garb; d; 4. Garbanzo, Larkburger; 5. The Kitchen Coop, Fresca Foods; 6. pewag; 7. C; 8. Sharklet Technologies; 9. Playtime; 10. Moots; 11. b, a, c; 12. Ska Brewing; 13. Voormi; 14. Retul.

As manufacturing boosts commercial real estate, Placemakers are taking note

Denver’s most illustrious Maker defies description. She’s a real-estate developer by trade, though the moniker understates the outcomes of her work. After all, how many developers have a hotel named after them?

No, Dana Crawford is a placemaker. Crawford’s projects – her places – are often a brick-and-mortar continuum: they remind us of who lived and worked here before, of who made it possible to build anew at the same time they embrace the future.

I met Dana a decade ago. Our connection also involved a place, Salina, Kansas, from where both of us hail, roughly. Reconnecting after a several years, our interests may again align, this time around the changing face of urban development. In a recent conversation, she mentioned how she believes light industry, manufacturing, is poised to be an integral component in modern, mixed-use development. I’ll leave Dana’s projects to speak for her, which I’m certain she prefers anyway, but the sentiment from so esteemed a placemaker confirms a trend we’ve written about previously.

The upshot is that a broad-based manufacturing revival is providing commercial real-estate a boost. Of course much of the excitement in today’s industrial real estate sector involves big-box space. A boom in e-commerce and the related need for warehousing space is a catalyst. But so is the resurgent manufacturing sector, generally. Vacancy rates for Class A space in America’s major industrial centers are dropping. A CBRE market analysis sums it up. “The nation’s factories are humming again, and industrial capacity utilization rates are back to historical averages; firms will soon need to start investing in new facilities as demand for their products increases in the expanding economy.”

The Urban Land Institute’s 2014 Emerging Trends in Real Estate forecast a similar push. “Manufacturing is coming back to the U.S., and it’s coming back faster than we thought. Back in 2011, no one thought we would see anything until 2015. Now, we are seeing dozens of companies moving back to the U.S. because the economics are shifting,” ULI’s report says, referencing the reshoring trend underway in U.S. industry that’s driving demand for commercial space.

But it’s likely that manufacturing will build differently in the future, and the demand for space will manifest accordingly. In real estate, the industrial renaissance continues to be largely defined by large increments of square feet like warehouse space, but observers like Denver’s Richard Kadzis believe that “economies of scale” are changing. “There will be a re-emergence of manufacturing in the U.S. with smaller regional facilities,” he notes.

Colorado’s manufacturing sector will certainly grow in this manner. As much as economic developers must focus on big companies, and ‘wins’, like Tesla, manufacturing growth here will also sprout from the state’s vibrant small business community, leveraging leadership in food and beverage, bioscience and medical, aerospace, consumer goods and contract manufacturing across all industrial sectors as companies seek new tech shops, materials suppliers, and labor to reshore operations.

The trend should inspire today’s placemakers. Mixed-use space that include light industry add interest and are financially more sound. They add fabric and flavor – beer and spirits, food and wine, cycles and clothing – to new our new urban settings. Imagine a city center development in Colorado without a craft brewery. They’re also tax and job generators, not simply cost centers for city services.

Moreover, any move to assimilate making and manufacturing back into our cultural fabric is a plus. We derive so much from building around our work. The products we make tend to be higher quality, at the same time we shorten supply chains, support local producers and become more efficient energy consumers. Wages from manufacturing are relatively high. We’re building careers, not just creating jobs. Residents prosper.

As rock-star placemakers like Dana Crawford envision compelling new places incorporating industry, advocates of local manufacturing will continue to push for the American-made renaissance. We’ll meet in the compelling spaces of the future.

Everybody wins.

Manufacturing’s lost its cultural mojo. Here’s how to get it back.

Later this month in Colorado Springs, over 1000 high-school age kids and 500 or so community college students will visit the Southern Colorado Manufacturing Expo & Conference to view demonstrations and interact with industry, suppliers and service. It’s what manufacturer’s have been asking for – and need: visibility to a next-generation workforce.

How many of these kids will end up choosing manufacturing as a career? More than in recent history, I’d guess. We seem to be coming around to the notion that the career track we’ve established for young people needs to change, that not all high-school graduates need be shoehorned into a four-year college program.

The alternative – more families choosing vocational schooling – would be welcome in the manufacturing sector. But reform is also on the minds of the professional sector: the data say that employers believe higher education is doing a so-so job of preparing college graduates for the needs of today’s employers.

The ‘skills-gap’ that bedevils manufacturing is acute. We know why there’s a gap: manufacturing was offshored, for cheap labor, mainly; with jobs left a commitment to train a new generation of makers; business leaders assumed the U.S. would continue to lead in innovation without making stuff; and the subsequent push to maintain our innovation acumen and staff the service-economy-on-steroids has overhyped a need to send every kid to Harvard in search of a professional degree.

So manufacturing’s lost its cultural mojo. A factory job used to carry with it social status. Not today.

How to get it back? How can we convince families that it’s OK to consider manufacturing careers as an option to a four-year degree? Secondly, if the sector can recapture the imagination of a new workforce, do we know how to train them?

Both are big undertakings.

Consider job training. It’s conventional wisdom that the apprenticeships and job-shadowing methods developed by Germany and others are effective not only in preparing students for manufacturing careers but create a sustainable pipeline for talent once established.

But will European-style apprenticeships ever become a mainstream educational model in the U.S? I have my doubts. They represent a radical departure from today’s socially favored career pathways. And a collective disdain for many things ‘Euro’ is a barrier to vocational training. These things aren’t changed easily; higher-ed is change-averse.

Apprenticeships will instead be part of a comprehensive plan if not the centerpiece. It will fall on industry to lead the way. We can inform higher-ed how to develop curricula, we can provide community colleges more resources and we can facilitate ongoing communication to identify the skills needed in the future. We can convince the business community that what was lost as we offshored our ‘maker’ capacity can’t be easily fixed without a robust domestic manufacturing sector.

But to regain a powerful cultural connection to manufacturing, to once again celebrate vocational work, manufacturers must first capture the imagination of a new labor pool.

An important step is highlighting the maker economy that appeal to young people – like beer, food, and high-tech manufacturing – alongside the anchors of the industry who cut, bend, fabricate and weld.

It probably starts with ‘blocking and tackling’: celebrating the companies who’ve sustained and are again emerging as a strategic players in the U.S. economy.

Fifteen hundred or so K-12 and community college students will be onhand in two weeks, in Colorado Springs, to get a firsthand look, to see what manufacturing has to offer. Industry must show up. Represent.

You asked for it. You got it.

Business left high and dry by immigration dodge

One measure of today’s political dysfunction is the inability of elected officials to govern at the margins. For business, immigration is a stark example.

Last year the U.S. Senate passed the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act”, Senate Bill 744. Today it sits idle in the House, stalled indefinitely and its meaningful pieces sidetracked by the politics of ‘pathways’ and the status of millions of undocumented immigrants.

It’s unfortunate. Business would benefit from incremental progress on immigration.

The Bill is actually comprised of five distinct parts: Border Security (Title I), Immigrant Visas (Title II), Interior Enforcement (Title III), Reforms to Nonimmigrant Visa Programs (Title IV), and Jobs for Youth (Title V). And it’s here that we’re so poorly served. As a practical matter, business today would benefit greatly if Congressional leaders would set aside the ‘status’ issue, just for a moment, to find consensus on its other parts. SB 744 passed on a bipartisan basis last year. There are plenty of opportunities to agree.

Senate Bill 744 makes “enormous” investments, according to some, in border security, envisioning a truly staggering 38,405 full-time Border Patrol agents along the southern border and $46.3 billion in initial funding. In 1993, the annual budget for the U.S. border patrol was $363 million dollars.

There’s also mechanism’s to identify specialized labor. Components of Title II provide immediate relief to employers seeking qualified immigrant help. 744 creates a new “merit based point system with two tracks that award points to immigrants with educational credentials, work experience, and other qualifications.”

Additionally, key reforms in employment-based immigration would ease bottlenecks in current law by eliminating country-specific limits and exempting “highly-skilled and exceptionally talented immigrants” from the worldwide cap, including STEM graduates.

Consider the plight of Colorado manufacturers. A number of factors have contributed to a substantial ‘skills-gap’ in the manufacturing workforce. Last year, nearly 20,000 manufacturing jobs went unfilled in Colorado for a lack of qualified candidates.

Today it’s not much different. Across industries, manufacturers are searching for talent.

Industry will tell you that domestically, we’ve failed to train a generation of manufacturing employees, that there’s simply not a qualified pool of up and coming candidates to replace retiring workers or staff promising new businesses. That we’ve dissed manufacturing and trade careers while offshoring a sizable portion of our making prowess, at the same time we’ve fast-tracked kids into four-year degree programs that are expensive, or ill fitting.

The timing is particularly bad today, as manufacturing is surging. And unfortunately, there is no fast and easy fix. As aware education and policy wonks have become about the skills gap, we’re years away from delivering a steady flow of interested, engaged, qualified workers to industry.

Today Colorado companies and their regional counterparts in Utah and the Mountain West would benefit greatly from the opportunity to access appropriately trained, easily assimilated immigrant labor. The bipartisan Senate Bill envisions this scenario.

Marginal reform, if not comprehensive agreement on the status of Immigrant Visas, would be a boon to business including manufacturers. Debate the ‘status’ issue; it’s important. But reform isn’t a single-issue proposition. Make progress.

It’s not too much to ask.