Are manufacturing jobs Cory Gardner’s path to the Senate?

Can Cory Gardner defeat Mark Udall and become Senator? Dick Wadhams thinks so. But as much credit the Colorado GOP is also receiving nationally for nominating a more ‘electable’ candidate, a win against Udall would still be a surprise.

A Republican hasn’t won a statewide election for Colorado Governor or U.S. Senate since Bill Owens in 2002. Dems control the legislature and Governor’s office, and as GOP operative Wadhams and others have noted, a candidate has yet to emerge who can seriously challenge John Hickenlooper. The Governor casts a large shadow on the ticket. He’s assembled a formidable electoral coalition. In Udall’s case, Democratic incumbency is a plus.

Gardner’s yet to articulate a platform but early pronouncements from the gubernatorial field provide strong clues. They suggest the GOP ticket will run on the repeal of Obamacare, Dem overreach on gun legislation, opposition to same-sex marriage and economic sluggishness – a slow recovery.

Will this platform appeal to young voters, women and minorities and social moderates in Colorado who increasingly decide elections? It’s principled. It also similar to what’s been defeated here before. And Gardner’s ‘Battle for the Future of America’ theme runs headlong against a few economic realities.

Contrary to the gloomy tone the of the GOP’s economic assertions, growth and vitality are on display here. Energy is feeding an industrial comeback. Entrepreneurship is thriving. Yes, the western slope is lagging. But on balance the Colorado economy is a formidable engine and compelling story, a national model in some respects. As Brian Burney, CEO of Oliver Manufacturing (profiled in today’s issue) told me, “It’s a good time to be a manufacturer.”

Manufacturing may provide an opening for any candidate willing to make it a campaign issue. Last week Manufacturing & Technology News summarized research that according to the publication, concludes “There is a wide disconnect between the American public and policymakers in Washington, D.C., on the importance of manufacturing to the U.S. economy and the need for action to restore American industrial competitiveness.” Or more succinctly, “Americans Want Washington To Deal With Manufacturing, But Washington Is Not Responding.”

Run on manufacturing!

M&T News reported on some of the findings:

– When asked, “which of the following industries is the most important to the strength of the American economy?” 32 percent of Americans said “manufacturing,” followed by 19 percent saying “high tech and knowledge industries,” 12 percent saying health care, 11 percent saying agriculture, 8 percent saying housing and construction, 6 percent saying finance, and 4 percent saying services and retail.

– Voters reject the idea that other sectors like high tech or services can replace manufacturing. Only 34 percent of Americans agreed with the statement that “the strength of the American economy is innovation and competition — and if manufacturing leaves, we will move into new areas like high tech or services which will take its place in the future”.

– With 88 percent of Americans agreeing with the statement that “American manufacturing means American jobs,” the survey found that “support for American manufacturing and manufacturers is nearly universal.”

– Most Americans (84 percent) support the adoption of a national manufacturing strategy that is focused on tax, education and trade policies (with 7 percent opposed to such a policy).

Ah, the elusive national manufacturing strategy. Another finding strikes close to home. “Most Americans “don’t want to hear about ‘advanced manufacturing,’ ” the survey found, with 44 percent agreeing with the statement: “All manufacturing is advanced — they need to stop trying to come up with new language and focus on strengthening all of manufacturing.”

Colorado policy-makers are tangled up promoting ‘advanced manufacturing’. Even those paying attention are confused. Word is out that ‘advanced industries’ is the new catchword. One wonders where craft brewers, burrito makers, or sew shops fit in this nomenclature.

They’re all important. Congressman Gardner may do well to glance nearly straight south from Yuma, his hometown, to LaJunta, where Oliver Manufacturing’s gravity separators are a global hit.

Campaign inspiration awaits.

Taber Sweet, left, and Trae Rigby

Building CO’s maker spaces: developers, industry, cities partner to drive new MFG

Builders and manufacturers share space in the economy. They’re makers. They create things. It’s interesting then that circumstances are bringing them together in a meaningful collaboration.

Developers are increasingly motivated to build new mixed-use projects with light industry a key component. City planners favor the mix. Industry brings jobs and tax revenue. It pays for itself and more.

The industry of choice is increasingly maker and manufacturing businesses. Despite a lingering stereotype, today’s manufacturing surge looks different, more appealing. It’s advanced, clean, tech-driven, green and growing in lifestyle sectors that communities want to highlight – not hide.

It’s a fortuitous alignment. The result may be the development of a new generation of mixed-use, industry-and-family friendly spaces that literally reshape our city landscapes. Colorado’s award of a national digital manufacturing hub will only help.

McWhinney, a prominent real-estate company, developer and builder, sees the convergence of interests and is an advocate.

“For so many years our development pattern has been that industrial is dirty, and needs to put in the backyard, so to speak”, says Taber Sweet, McWhinney’s director of development. “I could show you the spaces we’re contemplating today – light, energy efficient, simple construction techniques. In the past when people say ‘mixed-use’, industrial was the piece that got left out – but going forward I think it’s the piece that gets integrated.

“If you go up to (Denver’s) River North, on Brighton Boulevard , you have The Source (eateries, office) next to these great craftsman and artisans, welders or carbon fiber guys; and that’s what makes River North really tick now…It’s interesting to see how that use (industry) is being integrated.”

The integration also makes financial sense, says Trae Rigby, chief development officer at McWhinney. “As an integrated real estate/development company, we’re trying to be ‘evergreen’ – profitable in all cycles. These types of projects can accomplish that for us, where we own everything long-term, where we tend to ‘asset-manage’ our own buildings so that when things slow down, and we don’t build anything in the next 3 or 4 years, income will come in from a variety of sources and give us a lot of flexibility.”

Colorado’s at the epicenter of the trend, says Sweet. “There’s no mystery why we’re (McWhinney) here. Colorado is incredibly well positioned nationally from a geographical standpoint – we’re central, with transportation infrastructure. And Denver has this incredible industrial core based on a rich history of energy and mineral rights.

“But I think more than anything, we have such a highly educated populace that Colorado is really the next big logical spot for incubation”, says Sweet. “And for us, I believe we’re talking about a product that’s a blend of office, R&D, lab, advanced manufacturing, and light industrial. It’s a great opportunity for the state.”

Other developer/builders see similar opportunity in light industry and manufacturing. Shawn Sullivan, vice president for business development at The Neenan Company, is focused on the craft-brewing segment. “Most successful brewers quickly outgrow their space”, Sullivan says. “As they get a foothold in the market, they make more beer, and to do that they need more equipment and a larger facility.”

Sullivan works with brewers to build new space, but he’s also a cheerleader for the sector. “We’re helping brewers understand how much space they’ll need and when – and how to manage that growth financially. But we’re excited about what’s happening here, with craft brewing and other parts of the maker and manufacturing economy. We view this as a partnership with industry.”

It’s a collaborative approach playing out to mutual benefit for all involved – foremost the communities prescient enough to drive the public-private partnerships required for the large, integrated developments that Sweet and Rigby are enthused about.

Colorado only stands to gain in the regional competition for a new and modern industrial base.

MFG v. Service: Encouraging our smartest to build companies that build things

Is the U.S. economy at the front end of a manufacturing renaissance?

It’s a popular sentiment. A groundswell of support for a manufacturing and ‘maker’ surge seems real enough.

Others are convinced the service economy is here to stay. Nataraj Slavov of the American Enterprise Institute, and Ben Ho of Vassar College and Columbia University give voice to ‘manufacturing’ skeptics. In Stop Wishing for the Return of Manufacturing Jobs – Lawmakers need to embrace the service economy” , they note “70 percent of the wealth created in the U.S. today comes from providing services, a 33 percent increase since 1950”, and add:

Americans already have plenty of stuff. Think for a second about what you spend your money on, and what you wish you had more of. Food? Televisions? Mobile phones? Cars? In a largely obese nation, we probably don’t need more food. We need higher quality food, better prepared food, tastier food, healthier food – but not more food. We have more televisions, mobile phones and cars in this country than we know how to use. We don’t need more devices. We need better content on those devices.

Recent research in psychology shows that for most Americans, spending money on experiences leads to greater happiness than spending money on material goods. As we get richer as a nation, therefore, growth in the economy will not be driven by more stuff, but by better health care, more education, more travel and better entertainment.

There may be more nuanced arguments. It’s difficult to see how ‘better entertainment’ will emerge as a pillar of the new economy. And the ‘higher quality food’ producers, and ‘content’ developers Slavov and Ho cite may indeed be driving the new manufacturing economy. They’re not a trivial, passing reference.

Especially, food makers. We not only “need higher quality food…healthier food….” , the world can’t get enough of it. Food is a manufacturing home-run for Colorado. For the U.S. And we’re just beginning to understand that.

It’s why the circa-1950 view of today’s manufacturing sector – the view of Slavov nd Ho – misses the mark. They’re in good company though. Boulder Soup Works, profiled today in CompanyWeek, is among other things an increasingly advanced manufacturer. Or they’re not. In their home state they’re an agricultural business.

Which of course they are. And Ag is huge. But Andrew Yang, and others, view them as strategic makers of the first order, not only businesses left to inspire only those who would more wisely consume in an otherwise service-centric economy.

Yang’s book, Smart People Should Build Things – How to Restore Our Culture of Achievement, Build a Path For Entrepreneurs, and Create New Jobs in America, starts with a bang:

“We’ve got a problem: our smart people are doing the wrong things. If we can get them to do the right things, it will transform the country.”

Yang argues that the allocation of talent in the U.S. has tilted precariously away from business and industry. He continues:

“If year after year we send our top people to financial services, management consulting and law schools, we’ll wind up with the pattern we’re already seeing: layers of highly paid professionals working astride faltering companies and industries. But if we send them to startups, we’ll get something else. Early-stage companies in energy, retail, biotech, consumer products, healthcare, transportation, software, media, education and other industries…”

CompanyWeek was in part launched on a related premise, that business media has followed the path Yang describes and become so service-centric – largely following banking and finance, law and professional services – that it’s lost sight of entrepreneurs and operators in other sectors.

Of course we also join the debate on the pro-maker and manufacturer side. Kate Brown, founder of Boulder Soup Works, and the dozens of other companies we profile here are inarguably building much-needed value, distinct from what service business offer our communities. And are largely ignored for their efforts.

Maybe it’s a third school of thought: encouraging our smartest people to build companies that build things. Service industries would benefit most.

Pot Pioneers: Colorado’s first tax windfall a gratifying payback for voters

Much to the unending dismay of the Denver Post, Colorado voters continue to view legalization a wise alternative to prohibition. In a Quinnipiac survey, 58% now support legalizing pot, up from an already big majority, 55%, who voted in 2012 to change decades of public policy.

Despite the drum-beat of doubt from the Post and other media like 9News, there’s good reason to be optimistic. The system seems to be working as intended. Little seems to have changed in our communities as we regulate and tax a multi-million dollar industry already operating in our state. Voters deserve credit.

Business, predictably, is a vanguard. This week’s profile of Dixie Elixirs and Edibles, one of the state’s fastest growing businesses, is testament to the efficiency of the private sector. A year and half ago, the electorate said pot was mainstream. Today, less than eighteen months after the vote, makers in the marijuana space like Dixie are mainstream-corporate as well. The numbers don’t lie.

Regrettably for Dixie and others, the Feds still see it differently. It’s still against the law to bank an illegal business. On one hand it’s understandable; a lot has happened in a short period of time. But if the upside of legalization materializes, and it’s heading that way, it will become harder to make the case that voter-approved commerce should be embargoed by the federal government. Elected officials will have to make that case, as will candidates for office. Who will?

Colorado officials should be applauded for their work since the election. With teeth-clenched and eyes-rolled in some cases, they’ve nevertheless put in place a workable framework. Colorado’s sold pot for a month. Money’s been collected. The streets are still safe. It’s a considerable public policy achievement.

Stores will report sales on February 20th. Notwithstanding a huge surprise, it’s a good bet that everyone, including the most persistent skeptics of mainstreet pot, will be forced to concede that regulating a thriving black-market business not only has a considerable financial upside, but lays the groundwork to regulate use more effectively. Colorado’s first tax windfall will be a gratifying payback for voters.

Certainly there’s room to improve how mainstream pot is managed. Voters asked to reconsider the promise of legalization. Missing almost entirely from the Colorado conversation thus far is how media can be deployed with pot proceeds to educate young people as to the pitfalls of using.

Think tobacco – and Madison Avenue. With pot-use out of the shadows, our best creative talent can be harnessed to have a modern, substantive conversation with young people about what’s at stake, what can be lost with use. Business should lead the discussion. It has much to gain – see Dixie Elixirs – and much to lose, like a workforce.

Using media to educate young people and working in good faith to implement the economic will of voters seem two worthy objectives. If 2012 is a guide, voters will double-down and hold candidates accountable, including those who don’t take action to reduce the uncertainty facing pot entrepreneurs.

Colorado voters deserve a full-throated endorsement of their wishes from state and local candidates this fall.

Denver City Councilwoman Robin Kniech

Five months and counting: stories of the Colorado maker and manufacturing economy

Five months ago we introduced CompanyWeek, digital and events media conceived to take an unprecedented view of the Rocky Mountain maker, manufacturing, and built-environment economy.

Since then we’ve profiled nearly 70 companies in ten or so different industry sectors. We’ve learned a lot along the way:

· We asked each company to articulate the challenges, opportunities, and needs shaping their business. (We summarized responses in a CompanyWeek white paper; read or download it here.) Easily the top challenge in the manufacturing and maker economy is a lack of qualified employees. The steady loss of manufacturing jobs, to ‘globalization’ and the recession, has resulted in a ‘skills-gap’ today. Manufacturing will lag until we’re well underway educating the workforce for the next, ‘new’ manufacturing economy.

· Trends that favor ‘buy local’ and ‘made-in-America’ appear to be enduring; they’re also an engine for entrepreneurship and innovation here, where more and more business startups are aligned with the lifestyle attributes of the region. In manufacturing, machiners and advanced industrial manufacturers have been joined by a new and dynamic cadre of lifestyle, food, beverage, technology and software makers.

· As a result, sustained growth in regional making and manufacturing is materializing from small and midsize companies, up, while economic development efforts tend to tilt ‘top-down’ in the hunt for flagship companies and big wins. Companies we’ve profiled point to a state and local ‘promotions gap’ as a result – especially for firms not located along the Front Range. The ‘official’ story of Colorado manufacturing remains one of large, Denver-metro companies.

· Business is compensating. Industry efforts are underway to establish tools to better connect companies with each other – first regionally. Western slope companies are looking west and south to form new regional alliances. Business is finding a way.

· Companies would like to make more things here and are actively looking to do so. But costs are still to high and labor too elusive in sectors like apparel and sports accessories that would profoundly change the manufacturing equation for business. Maker companies would benefit from a concerted effort to lowering the barriers to ‘on-shoring’, in Colorado and the region.

· There’s some nervousness in Colorado’s highest-profile ‘maker’ category. Craft brewers are fretting, privately, about whether the market is still able to support the still-steady stream of new business launches. This despite a collegial atmosphere in the craft brewing community that continues to attract talent and money, and support growth from the inside out.

· Colorado’s natural food business is a model of innovation. Companies like Fresca Foods are a catalyst for growth, providing manufacturing, packing, and technical services to promising food brands. Operators like Rudi’s Organic have written new rules for brand extension. The progeny of Colorado’s natural foods pioneers are ripping it.

· Government and industry appear well aligned in support of entrepreneurship and business incubation. But for second stage companies a lack of adequate capital remains problematic. Colorado, for one, is also leading in the effort to provide business export services and expertise to help firms open new markets.

· The ‘maker’ movement is poised to explode. A hit last year in northern Colorado, with over 3000 attendees, Denver will be home to a Mini Maker Faire in May 2014. Sparkfun, Otterbox, and other name manufacturing brands are enthusiastic supporters.

Sign-up to receive the CompanyWeek e-newsletter here, delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning. And look for an invitation to the next CompanyWeek Manufacturers Reception in your locale. Come out and support the community, as nearly a hundred companies did last week at Workplace Resource, the exclusive dealer for the iconic American-made brand, Herman Miller.

Aaron Kennedy, CMO, State of Colorado

CompanyWeek publisher Bart Taylor

Colorado’s myriad trade groups compete to promote. A MFG partnership promises collaboration.

Colorado’s economic development landscape is an alphabet-soup mix of acronyms and trade names. Entities that touch the maker and manufacturing sector alone include OEDIT, CAMA, CAMT, CACI, WCMA, CWIDB, CBSA, CCIA, WTC, CBDA and others I’m sure I’ve left out, not to mention city and community chambers and EDC’s.

Collectively, it’s an amazing collection of smart people, very good at what they do. It’s also becoming a startlingly large bureaucracy. Economic development is big business. It’s a competitive game that takes money to make money.

The upside of today’s system is that member companies or affiliates get quality support in the regional and national chase for influence, dollars, and incentives. The downside is that business is getting squeezed. Companies are being asked to do and spend more, with multiple groups, and expect less in return. And the high stakes at play between developers can work to lessen collaboration with sectors. Which kind of defeats the whole purpose.

It can be refreshing when entities find ways to partner to advance everyone’s interest. For manufacturers, one idea percolating in southern Colorado has the long-term goal of doing just that.

SCBP – the Southern Colorado Business Partnership – is partnering with CAMT – the Colorado Association for Manufacturing and Technology, to reprise an idea that’s been visited and revisited with varying degrees of, well, futility.

The idea is simple enough: encourage manufacturers, their partners and providers, to participate in building a database of key information that’s searchable, easy to use, and highly targeted to others within the maker and manufacturer ecosystem. The end game is to build a more highly connected community. A single community.

The challenge in the past has been to convince companies that a tool like this might lead to business, and as a result, convince them to invest the time to enter data and use the platform.

CAMT CEO Tom Bugnitz believes this time may be different. “Companies are starting to realize there is a lot they don’t know about their potential partners”, he says, “who they are, what they do, how they can help their business. Competition is much stronger now, and with the information tools available, companies are looking for anything that helps them compete. Manufacturers have evolved so that they are now ready and willing to use data to improve their competitiveness, and they see this tool as one piece of the information puzzle for doing that.”

In the companies we’ve profiled, there does seem to be a high interest to be better connected. Macro-trends are favoring domestic production, and companies here increasingly look to local and regional sources to meet growing demand for talent and expertise, money and materials.

CAMT’s Bugnitz sees supply-chain as the big win. “The key idea is Colorado manufacturers finding Colorado suppliers. Companies know each other now through existing personal knowledge and informal networking. This activity will increase everyone’s awareness of what’s being made in Colorado, allow companies to quickly identify potential new suppliers and new customers, and keep more business in Colorado.

“Over time this effort will create a more and more detailed view of the Colorado manufacturing network”, he adds, “allowing manufacturers to streamline their supply chains for faster product delivery, product development, and cheaper costs.”

If CAMT, SCBP and the coalition being formed to develop the tool can persuade southern Colorado manufacturers to participate, an even bigger ‘win’ for the community would be a statewide implementation of the as-of-yet unnamed database tool. CAMT, one of 61 MEPs (manufacturing extension partnerships) across the country, already plays in a bigger sandbox. Bugnitz has eyes for a tool that would serve the statewide community of manufacturers.

With so many entities vying for the support of makers and manufacturers, each offering a suite of services and assistance, CAMT and SCBP’s challenge of capturing the attention and interest of otherwise busy companies, seems daunting. There’s also the challenge of demonstrating ease-of-use: technology solutions often bring with them a perception that loads of time is needed to learn a new platform.

But the payoff for participating companies may be worth the effort. Connecting the statewide community with a single, open, and comprehensive resource would be a major accomplishment.

One the entire alphabet might readily support.

Is the Colorado Water Plan a silver bullet for Industry?

Companies don’t often have the luxury of forecasting business a decade from now, so it’s no surprise that of the 50 makers and manufacturers we profiled last year, none identified water as a challenge to their operations. Does that mean manufacturers shouldn’t care? No.

If goods-producers are focused on today’s pressing issues, like workforce development, prosperity will come only to those with water. Unfortunately, it’s an increasingly open question as to who will have enough. Some will have less. It’s the West’s greatest economic development challenge.

For their part officials here hope the Colorado Water Plan, currently under development, will provide a modern, equitable distribution blueprint. Part of the rationale, reasonably, is to encourage and codify smart use and conservation. It’s also intended, one assumes, to take a more holistic view of distribution and management, which as a practical matter may be the only way to manage a diminishing resource in the face of growing demand.

But the stakeholders who would divide Colorado’s water are drifting apart. There’s arguably less agreement today on key issues that would make or break a meaningful plan.

The water discussion here begins and ends with the Colorado River, and there’s a pervasive sentiment on the western slope that more water will be diverted to front range users, something viewed as an existential economic threat by many officials west of the divide.

Lurline Curran, county manager of Grand County, put a fine point on it at a Colorado River Basin Roundtable meeting late last year. “Don’t goddamn come here any more,” she now famously exclaimed. “We’re trying to tell you, Front Range: Don’t count on us,” Curran said. “Don’t be counting on us to make up all the shortages.”

Front range municipalities in Douglas County, and elsewhere, like ag-counties on the eastern plain and south, in the Arkansas River basin, see it differently. For one, planners believe more water can be developed from the River per the 1922 Compact. The Bureau of Reclamation, final arbiter on the issue of supply, has established Colorado is using less than its full entitlement. The state’s never used the three million acre feet or so it’s entitled.

As a result south metro officials are pushing for active consideration of new projects that would at once bring more water to the front range and enable the state to realize its full entitlement from the River, something it’s never done.

Will the plan address or sidestep other prickly issues? Ag, energy, municipalities, industry and business – compete for a finite resource. We know ag will get less, cities and towns more, industry enough to sustain short-term growth. But where is the new equilibrium?

Who will own Colorado’s share and how much is also only a piece of the larger River puzzle. What of the other parties to the Compact? The Lower Basin states are in the midst of a water crisis involving the River. At the same time California bakes in drought, it’s being forced to use less what from the Colorado River. For decades California, Arizona and Nevada overused their entitlement. With demand growing, there will be less water. And lower basin users facing imminent shortfalls will not go quietly.

How will all this impact business and industry? A friend with knowledge of northern Colorado water guessed, “If Cargill had taken a real close look at the state’s water issues, they’d never have come here”, referring to that company’s plans to locate a steel processing center in the area.

Agriculture is already losing water and being asked to reinvent itself on the fly, a challenge akin to changing a tire on a moving vehicle. Makers and manufacturers throughout the food and beverage sector should watch closely.

Can the new water reality – scarcity – disrupt industry in a positive way? Without question, it has. The culture of craft beer manufacturing is generally informed by progressive, modern conservation ethos. Growers, producers, and manufacturers – all are developing new methods and materials to use less and do more.

Can a meaningful water plan avoid consensus on major issues but further codify and be a catalyst for a new water-sharing paradigm?

Everyone, including industry, should keep a close watch.

Business, universities search for online equilibrium

Reconciling the competing narratives around higher education can be a challenge. Reports of financial trouble and sweeping change are offset by news of the broad and profound economic impact of America’s institutions of higher learning.

Insolvent or impactful, universities and colleges are accountable to business, their customers, and as well-served as US industry has been there’s worry today that graduates aren’t adequately trained to meet the needs of employers. Pick your report – I’ve referenced McKinsey’s in the past – but there’s general agreement a skills-gap is prevalent; that graduates increasingly lack the skills business requires.

John Miller, COO of Englewood-based HOL, a provider of cloud-based, STEM solutions and learning tools, sums up the alignment conundrum. “Industry believes that students graduates today have about 50% of the skills necessary to succeed. Universities say its 70% – what they both agree on is there’s a gap.”

Miller’s firm has developed a “solution set within the distance learning environment” intended to help universities become better at addressing the missing that the 30-50% of graduates, depending on the number, are lacking. For HOL, this means developing tools that enhance science-based online learning.

“The way students learn today if very different than it used to be”, Miller says. “They want to be able to get information when they want in a format they want it – a laptop, an iPad, or whatever they choose to use.

HOL is essentially making distance learning more hands on than it would be otherwise. “We provide the physical hands-on lab tools, for example, to execute any kinds of experimentation to support the learning objectives of a course at a school”, Miller says. “For (distance) chemistry students, as an example, we provide a box with the beakers, the fetal pig to dissect, and other things to give them the same learning experience they’d get at the lab of a university, but in the environment of their choosing.”

Miller works with both universities and industry to develop sector-specific solutions. “We’re trying to bring business and higher-education together to close the gap of what industry needs. The commodity that industry buys, are graduates. Education still doesn’t really get that, that they’re developing a commodity for a market. I’m bringing the two together so they better understand what the needs are so they can create a better solution.”

Miller says the upside for universities is twofold – revenue for starters. Much of the cost for the solutions HOL develops is underwritten by industry. “Many institutions believe that they are physically at risk – they’re desperate for funding. Government can’t underwrite this, it has to be from the entity that is consuming the product.”

A higher placement-percentage may be the big payoff. “There is one job for every eight graduates that is non-STEM”, Miller says. “There are three jobs for one STEM-graduate.”

For its part higher education seems torn between protecting a legacy of institutional success and methodology, and the reengineering that Miller and others advocate involving a more systemic embrace of distance-learning. Given HOL’s national reach, I ask Miller if the McKinsey report and others are motivating higher-ed to embrace change. “They’re attempting to”, he says, “but those attempts in large part have not gone extremely well.”

A leadership faction at Colorado State University might disagree. In 2007 the university launched the CSU-Global Campus, a fully online university that in 2011 became the first of its kind to be awarded independent accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. But CSU’s not alone. Harvard and MIT teamed-up on a nonprofit initiative in 2012 called edX, significant in part given the brick-and-mortar stature and the high value of a traditional degree from those schools. MOOCs – massive open online courses – are the rage in higher-ed.

Yet to Miller’s point, are these efforts translating into the type of high-quality education that industry expects? Lou Swanson, vice president of engagement in CSU’s Office of Engagement, believes they can. “If you do this right, it can be as good – if not better – than what students get in class on campus. It comes down to the person delivering the class.”

Swanson’s enthusiasm may also reflect the confidence that CSU’s leadership has in the institution’s ability to adapt to a changing higher-ed landscape.

Industry will benefit if that’s the case.

Take sides, but lament the loss of Magpul.

Reaction to news last week that Magpul was finally pulling up stakes developed along familiar lines. Empathizers blamed overreaching politicians. Supporters of the 2013 legislation charged the company with economic extortion.

Both tended to sidestep the unfortunate reality that losing manufacturing jobs, under these circumstances, is a lousy development. We’re left to wonder if more could have been done to prevent it.

Manufacturing jobs matter – now more than ever. Companies that make things build wealth. They’re critical to differentiating the regional economy. And building on national leadership that Colorado businesses have earned in advanced and lifestyle manufacturing, among others, seems an imperative. Not doing so would be a huge, blown opportunity.

Most importantly for some, manufacturers also drive innovation. Brookings’ Scott Andes and Mark Muro put it this way:

“Manufacturing…is essential to the U.S. economy because it is the main source of innovation and global competitiveness for the United States. Simply put, advanced manufacturing is the U.S. pipeline for new products and productivity-enhancing processes. While the sector makes up just 11 percent of the economy, manufacturers conduct 68 percent of private sector R&D, as reported by our colleagues Sue Helper and Howard Wial last year. And … America’s manufacturing sector also fuels growth within the service sector because intermediary goods—the machines used by services (e.g. automated self check-out kiosks at grocery stores)—drive service sector productivity.”

Of course these are business rationale. Supporters of the legislation that caused the dustup point to the human side of the issue, and assert that ammunition limits will save lives. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and other elected officials who lined up the behind the effort do carry a heavier burden.

It’s also possible that Magpul’s decision to move was fait accompli after Aurora and Sandy Hook, that events would inevitably conspire to force the company to move. It’s reasonable to assume that even if last years guns-and-ammunition legislation had failed, advocates would have continued to press the issue in subsequent sessions.

Let’s hope the move works out for both sides. Texas feels like a great fit for Magpul. Colorado should root for Wyoming manufacturing; the entire sector will benefit from strong regional growth. And critics aside, Colorado’s progressive brand is a catalyst for manufacturing growth, on balance. The dynamic, young, active, healthy vibe here has become a magnet for talent, for entrepreneurship, and hopefully in the future, more capital.

Industry and government benefit from alignment on policy issues impacting the economy. Hopefully the Magpul episode will provide a roadmap for more effective collaboration in the future.

The new heart and soul of Colorado business

History repeats itself and one might easily conclude that the heartbeat of Colorado business is once again energy. Not that oil and gas ever stopped flowing, but the shale boom, headlines of a forthcoming investment gusher and media’s opportunistic content push evoke Denver circa-1980, when the Petroleum Club was hip and Energy the business brand.

We’ll have learned nothing if that’s the case. Encana and Noble, Anadarko and Kodiak and dozens of others are terrific companies. But should energy again be the region’s economic calling card? Even the energy sector might see the pitfalls of such an eventuality.

But if not energy, who? Who’s shaping the character of the Colorado economy? What’s the new soul of Colorado business?

Colorado’s economy is service-centric. Government is the single largest employer, with state and local public-sector budgets on a steep upward curve even as federal spending slows. A growing population requires more services, like education. But other services like trade and transportation, health-care, utilities and professional services are also expanding to keep pace.

The influence of the service sector is manifest in the donor pool of the the state’s most powerful economic development entity, the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, where nearly all its ‘major investors’ are service businesses:

Is service then the new soul of Colorado business? As important as healthcare and finance are, again, probably not. But aside from Xcel, an energy-service provider, MillerCoors is the only maker/manufacturer on the list.

There was a time when Coors was Colorado’s bellwether business brand. Today it’s difficult to ascertain whether Molson Coors and its joint venture with SAB Miller, MillerCoors, values its Colorado roots at all. Frankly, Anheuser Busch can make as strong a present-day case as Coors for its Colorado-connection.

Gates Corporation was once an iconic Denver-based global company that manufactured here. Today, it’s tearing-down its historic physical presence in Denver and arguably what’s left of any meaningful brand connection to the community, which is unfortunate for its 400+ Colorado employees.

Lockheed Martin and dozens of other aerospace and electronics firms are terrific companies and define, in part, Colorado’s new manufacturing brand. Is ‘place’ an important operating principle for the sector? Maybe.

Colorado’s national business reputation is largely shaped by tourism, by iconic brands like Vail and Aspen. But it’s hard to reconcile Vail Resorts as Colorado’s posterchild business brand. Vail’s leadership has long acted like its outgrown Colorado.

I’d argue Colorado’s tourism brand is a more compelling asset in the hands of a new generation of operator who sees cross-over value in leveraging tourism on behalf of the entire state. Innovative operators like Monarch Mountain and Silverton who relate more closely to Colorado’s other growing lifestyle brands.

Like craft beer manufacturers. Colorado’s now the leading state exporter of craft beer in the nation. We’re also the international epicenter of a natural foods and natural products tsumani. Colorado agriculture is also sustaining an expanding wine sector – with increasingly relevant national brands.

Colorado also continues to rank high in nurturing new business start-ups – in categories that play to the state’s lifestyle attributes. A wave of lifestyle manufacturing growth-companies may emerge in the next three-to-five years if collectively, we can rally around the challenge of keeping these firms in business.

For me, the new heart and soul of Colorado business are companies and leaders who live here because they want to be here, see value in ‘place’ as a result, and view national and international opportunity through the lens of company-building and sustained growth here, in this community.

Want a soulful experience in keeping with a new Colorado lifestyle brand? Stay at Britt and Don Jackson’s Super 8 in Salida. Ride the Panorama lift to the top of Monarch. Bestride the Divide. Zip-up your Fly Low jacket to cover your Voormi layers, lock-in to your Meier or Wagner skis or Weston board, nibble a 34 Degrees cracker, and ski or ride to the bar and order an Oscar Yella Pils, Montanya rum or Woods High Mountain whiskey.

And consider the future of Colorado business.