CACI, Colorado’s state chamber, to partner on Colorado Manufacturing Awards

We’re pleased to announce that the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry, the Colorado affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), has signed on to support the inaugural Colorado Manufacturing Awards. CACI will anchor an association presence that provides national reach and exposure for this long-overdue business recognition program. The Colorado Manufacturing Awards (CMA) is co-presented by CompanyWeek and Manufacturer’s Edge.

Dave Tabor, senior vice president of business partnerships for CACI, was instrumental in crafting a collaborative framework with NAM, the Washington D.C.- based standard-bearer for U.S. manufacturing. “The Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry (CACI) is a proud partner of the Colorado Manufacturing Awards,” Tabor said. “Even as the profile of manufacturing has risen over the last several years, there is much more to do, particularly to promote opportunities for entrepreneurs, operating manufacturers, investors and career seekers. The Colorado Manufacturing Awards is an effective platform to promote these opportunities in Colorado.”

A substantive awards program involving a wide cross section of manufacturing industries is overdue. At the same time, it was important we do everything we can to distinguish CMA from year-one. CACI’s participation helps, and for us, establishing a meaningful national connection to begin showcasing Colorado manufacturing is a plus. We’re excited about the inaugural year, but very enthusiastic about proving the value of the program in years to come. Excellence is Colorado manufacturing ensures our success.

We’re extending the nomination deadline to December 31 to allow CACI and NAM to communicate details of the event to their members. Finalists will be previewed in the winter 2016 issue of MFG magazine, publishing late January or early February. A gala event to announce winners and convene the community will be held in early spring.

For those of you who’ve already nominated worthy candidates, thank you! Please contact Tom Bugnitz, CEO of Manufacturer’s Edge, Dave Tabor, or me with questions or comments.

Bart Taylor is publisher of CompanyWeek. Reach him at