Colorado Brewers Guild and CompanyWeek team up to launch BreweryWeek

Craft beer is nothing new to Colorado. In fact, it has slowly worked its way into the state’s DNA. What oranges are to Florida or potatoes are to Idaho, Colorado is becoming for craft beer.

Today, Colorado holds five of the top 50 spots on the list of the nations largest craft brewers, well over 250 breweries in operation and dozens of brewpubs make up what we call “The State Of Craft Beer.”

Over the last year or so, the Colorado Brewers Guild (CBG) has been working with Bart Taylor’s CompanyWeek to showcase the stories of Colorado craft brewers. CompanyWeek is a website and e-newsletter that focuses on Colorado-based manufacturers and the stories of their success, challenges, and the ins and outs of everyday business.

Nearly every issue had at least one story about the business of craft beer. So when Bart approached me and proposed that CompanyWeek and the CBG to work together and create a brewery-specific newsletter called BreweryWeek, I quickly jumped on board.

We started by asking CBG member brewers to fill out a short online survey about they sort of information you would like to see in the new BreweryWeek newsletter. More than 35 brewers completed the survey and told us topics such as local trends and brewery profiles were of high interest. On the business side, manufacturing and supply chain issues got the highest marks.

We hope you find the coming issues of BreweryWeek informative and helpful, no matter what size brewer you may be. If there is a specific topic or story you would like us to cover, please let us know. We welcome your feedback.

Steve Kurowski
Colorado Brewers Guild